In an exciting announcement, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, revealed on his Telegram channel that the popular instant messaging service will be launching its own version of Stories next month. This comes after years of user requests for the feature, despite the company initially being against it due to the ubiquity of Stories across various platforms. However, Telegram has finally decided to listen to its users and create a unique and customizable version of Stories.
Similar to other messaging services like Facebook Messenger, Telegram’s Stories will appear as expandable bubbles at the top of the conversation list. This allows users to easily access and view the stories of their contacts. What sets Telegram’s Stories apart is the level of customization it offers. Users will have the ability to control who sees their posts, with a range of options to choose from. They can make their stories viewable to the public, only their contacts (with a few exceptions), select group of friends, or a specific list of Close Friends. This level of control over privacy settings sets Telegram apart from other platforms.
In addition to privacy settings, Telegram users can also add captions and links to their Stories. This provides a more interactive and engaging experience for users, allowing them to share additional context or direct viewers to external content. Additionally, users will have the ability to tag other people in their Stories, further enhancing the social aspect of the feature.
Another exciting feature of Telegram Stories is the ability to capture and share photos and videos simultaneously using both the front-facing and rear cameras of their devices. This capability is similar to posts found on BeReal, another popular messaging app. This dual-camera functionality provides users with more creative options when capturing and sharing their experiences.
One standout feature of Telegram’s Stories is the option for users to choose when their posts expire. While most platforms automatically delete Stories after 24 hours, Telegram allows users to set expiration times of 6, 12, or 48 hours. This gives users more control over the longevity of their Stories and allows them to tailor their content to fit their preferences. Additionally, users have the option to permanently display their Stories on their profile page. This means that they can showcase their favorite moments or announcements without the pressure of making them viewable to the public.
According to Durov, Telegram has been conducting internal testing of the Stories feature and it is currently in the final stages of the testing phase. The company plans to make Stories available on its app in early July, giving users ample time to explore and take advantage of this exciting new feature.
Overall, Telegram’s introduction of Stories demonstrates the company’s commitment to its users’ desires and preferences. By creating a customizable and user-friendly version of Stories, Telegram is poised to shake up the messaging app landscape. With its unique privacy settings, creative options, and flexible expiration times, Telegram’s Stories will offer a fresh and engaging way for users to connect and share their experiences. Keep an eye out for this highly anticipated update to Telegram’s app next month and get ready to share your own stories in a whole new way.