It has been four years since the announcement of Pokémon Sleep, a sleep-tracking app with a Pokémon theme. Many thought it would never come to fruition, but now there is a new gameplay trailer and a release date set for summer 2023.
First off, it is important to clarify that Pokémon Sleep is not a traditional game. It is an app that tracks your sleep patterns and pairs you with the Pokémon character Snorlax, who is known for its love of sleep. Your goal is to increase your bond with Snorlax by getting a good night’s sleep. The app measures the quality of your sleep and rewards you with points, allowing Snorlax to gather “drowsy power” from your restful nights. In return, more tired Pokémon will visit you and gift you with rare sleep styles. The objective is to fill your “Sleep Style Dex” by experiencing different sleep styles offered by various Pokémon.
You can also slightly improve your bond with Snorlax by feeding it berries and specialized drinks, but the true key to attracting exhausted Pokémon like Slowpoke and Diglett to your sleep island is by getting adequate rest and accurate sleep tracking.
The sleep tracking capabilities of the app seem to be quite comprehensive, utilizing your phone’s microphone and accelerometer sensors to analyze your sleep patterns. It takes note of how much you toss and turn or if you snore, and this information influences which Pokémon visit you. For example, if you are a restless sleeper, expect Togepi to bring its “Rocking Sleep” style, while Jigglypuff will offer a lullaby with its “Singing Sleep” style if you snore. However, the app does not specify which Pokémon may appear if you spend the night in bed, staring at your phone surrounded by potato chips. Additionally, the Pokémon Company has not explained why it took over four years to develop this sleep tracker.
One important thing to note is that Pokémon Sleep is a standalone app and does not integrate with other fitness or sleep tracking apps currently available on the market. However, it does pair with the Pokémon Go Plus device, which allows users to initiate sleep tracking by pressing a button on the device. Using the Pokémon Go Plus bracelet also increases the chances of encountering a special Pikachu wearing a nightcap. The bracelet is priced at around $30, while the Pokémon Sleep app itself will be available for free.
In conclusion, Pokémon Sleep is an upcoming app that combines the world of Pokémon with sleep tracking. Its unique approach aims to encourage users to prioritize and improve their sleep quality while allowing them to collect rare sleep styles offered by different Pokémon characters. With its robust sleep tracking capabilities and the added appeal of the Pokémon theme, it will be interesting to see how this app performs in the market when it is released in summer 2023.