Adult Swim has announced an exciting collaboration with renowned director and creator Shinichirō Watanabe, known for his work on the iconic anime series “Cowboy Bebop.” The new project, titled “Lazarus,” will be a jazz-infused sci-fi anime series and is being animated by MAPPA, the esteemed studio responsible for notable works like “Chainsaw Man” and the latter seasons of “Attack on Titan.”
Adding to the creative powerhouse behind “Lazarus,” Watanabe will be joined by Chad Stahelski, the mastermind behind the action-packed “John Wick” films, who will co-create the series’ thrilling action sequences. This collaboration promises to deliver breathtaking visuals and adrenaline-pumping moments that fans of Watanabe and Stahelski’s previous works have come to expect and appreciate.
True to Watanabe’s style, the series will feature a captivating blend of jazz-inspired visuals and audio cues. In an effort to elevate the artistic experience, “Lazarus” will incorporate music from acclaimed jazz and electronic musicians such as Kamasi Washington, Floating Points, and Bonobo, among others. This fusion of music and animation will undoubtedly create a unique atmosphere that enhances the storytelling and immerses viewers in the world of “Lazarus.”
Set in the near future, the story of “Lazarus” revolves around a diverse group of individuals who form a ragtag team with a singular mission: to track down and stop a mad scientist before he executes a mass-poisoning event. The narrative promises to be gripping and action-packed, offering audiences an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride with high stakes and constant suspense.
While the release date for “Lazarus” has not been announced yet, excited fans can look forward to more information, including a highly anticipated first-look trailer, which will be unveiled at the annual Adult Swim Festival. However, it is important to note that due to ongoing writers and actors strikes, some planned events for the festival have been canceled. Nonetheless, the creators of “Lazarus” are determined to share their passion project with fans and provide a sneak peek into the captivating world they have crafted.
In the midst of this announcement, it is worth mentioning that Watanabe shared his thoughts on the live-action adaptation of “Cowboy Bebop,” a beloved series he helmed. In an interview with Forbes, he emphasized that the live-action version is not a faithful representation of “Cowboy Bebop,” distancing himself from that adaptation. Coincidentally, Netflix canceled its live-action “Cowboy Bebop” series in late 2021, ending its journey before it truly took flight.
With the announcement of “Lazarus,” fans of Watanabe’s work can rejoice as they anticipate the arrival of another mind-bending and visually stunning anime series. Combined with Stahelski’s expertise in crafting thrilling action sequences, this collaboration promises to be a remarkable addition to the world of anime. As the release date draws nearer, audiences can prepare themselves for an exhilarating experience, filled with jazz-infused visuals, heart-pounding action, and a riveting story that will undoubtedly captivate viewers from start to finish. “Lazarus” holds the potential to become the next must-watch anime series, showcasing the immense talent and creative genius that both Watanabe and Stahelski possess. Until then, fans eagerly await the unveiling of the first look and any additional details that will shed light on the artistic vision behind “Lazarus.”