In a recent incident on Reddit, users discovered that a blog called “The Portal,” which is powered by an app called Z League, was using AI to scrape Reddit posts and turn them into content. One user, u/kaefer_kriegerin, noticed that The Portal was taking discussions from gaming subreddits and converting them into blog posts. They decided to play a prank on The Portal by creating a fake World of Warcraft (WoW) feature called Glorbo and tricking the blog into covering it. The prank was successful, with other Reddit users and even some Blizzard developers playing along.
The Portal even quoted u/kaefer_kriegerin in their now-deleted blog post, stating how excited they were about the new Glorbo feature and hoping that major bot-operated news websites would publish an article about it. The Portal seems to have some level of human input, as they added “(Satire)” to the headline of the Glorbo post before eventually deleting it. They also published an article based on a fake WoW feature that would take away players’ keys, which is not actually happening in the game.
Engadget reached out to Blizzard to find out if they will address the hype surrounding Glorbo and consider implementing the feature. Interestingly, Blizzard has reportedly been using AI to help create character outfits and concept art, showcasing the increasing use of AI in the gaming industry. Engadget also contacted Z League for comment on the situation.
With the rise of generative AI, it is likely that we will see more AI-generated content appearing on websites, including mainstream publications. Earlier this year, CNET had to correct AI-generated finance posts after errors were found. The site’s staff pushed back against CNET’s plans to rely on AI-generated content, leading to union pushback and staff layoffs. Another media company, G/O Media, which includes Gizmodo, is also moving forward with AI-generated blog posts despite facing mockery for some inaccuracies.
While mistakes can happen with human writers, journalists strive to ensure accuracy and fairness in their work. Generative AI is not yet at a point where it can guarantee these qualities. However, some believe that AI can assist newsrooms by helping with fact-checking and other tasks.
Google is reportedly testing an AI tool that can generate news articles and automate certain tasks to assist journalists. Critics who have seen the tool in action have raised concerns that it may take for granted the work of producing accurate and digestible news stories.
In conclusion, the incident involving The Portal and the fake WoW feature Glorbo highlights the potential issues and challenges associated with the increasing use of AI in content creation. While AI can offer efficiency and automation, it also raises questions about the reliability and authenticity of the generated content.