Meta, the company behind the popular Quest 3 VR headset, is currently investigating reports of tracking issues that have been affecting users. These complaints primarily revolve around the performance of the controller tracking, with some users claiming that it is “much worse than the Quest 2” in certain games. The problem was initially brought up by a user named NotDream on the Meta community forums while playing the VR game “Gorilla Tag,” where they experienced a loss of tracking during fast hand movements such as throwing or catching a ball.
According to NotDream, these tracking issues pose a significant problem for games and activities that involve fast-paced hand movement. They believe that the Quest 3’s controller tracking performance is not nearly as reliable as its predecessor, the Quest 2. This sentiment was echoed by other forum members who shared similar experiences with tracking issues in games like “Beat Saber,” “Supernatural,” and “Tennis Esports.”
One forum commenter, who identified themselves as carrotstien and claimed to be a game developer for “Eleven Table Tennis,” shed some light on the possible cause of these tracking problems. They attributed it to the LED arrangement on the controller and expressed their frustration with the lack of input from sports game developers in the controller design discussions. Carrotstien mentioned that some users have opted to stick with their Quest 2 headsets and return their Quest 3 devices due to these tracking issues.
In response to the user complaints, Meta Quest Support acknowledged the tracking issues and assured users that they are actively investigating the matter. The support team stated that they are working on improving the performance, especially for competitive players, across popular titles, including “Gorilla Tag,” “Supernatural,” “IB Cricket,” and “Eleven Table Tennis.” They revealed that upcoming releases are expected to bring some improvements to address these tracking issues. However, further details regarding the cause of the problems and the timeline for the fix have yet to be provided by Meta.
These tracking issues have raised concerns among VR enthusiasts who were eagerly anticipating the release of the Quest 3. The Quest 2, its predecessor, was praised for its tracking accuracy and overall performance, making the downgrade in controller tracking capabilities an unwelcome surprise for many. The ability to accurately track hand movements is crucial for an immersive VR experience, especially in games that require precise and fast actions.
As the investigation into the tracking issues continues, users are eagerly awaiting updates and solutions from Meta. VR enthusiasts and gamers are hopeful that Meta will address these problems promptly to ensure an optimal experience with the Quest 3. It remains to be seen how Meta will address the concerns raised by users and whether a software update or hardware adjustment will be necessary to resolve the tracking issues.
In conclusion, the Meta Quest 3 VR headset is currently facing tracking issues with its controllers, which have been reported by users. These problems significantly impact games and activities that involve fast hand movements, leading to unreliable tracking performance compared to its predecessor, the Quest 2. Meta has acknowledged the issues and is actively investigating them, promising improvements in upcoming releases. However, users are still awaiting further details regarding the cause of the problems and the timeline for a fix from Meta. The resolution of these tracking issues is crucial for maintaining the Quest 3’s reputation and ensuring a satisfying VR experience for users.