Title: Addressing Youth Mental Health and Suicide in the Digital Age
One of the most tragic experiences in my life was witnessing the gunning down of my best friend, Terry, outside our projects in Chicago. As a 9-year-old, it shattered my world and left me questioning my own existence. The pain was so intense that I considered taking my own life. Unfortunately, this hardship is not unique to me. Shocking statistics from 2018 reveal that Black children between the ages of 5 and 12 are more than twice as likely to die by suicide compared to their white counterparts. It is crucial to explore the factors behind youth suicide and the potential of technology and games in mitigating this issue.
Creating Awareness and Support for Better Mental Health:
The stigma surrounding youth mental health and suicide is gradually dissipating. Rebecca Benghiat, former president and COO at the Jed Foundation (JED), a renowned nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting emotional health and preventing suicide among teens and young adults, sheds light on their efforts in strengthening schools, equipping individuals, and fostering community awareness. JED’s Mental Health Resource Center is an invaluable tool that provides evidence-based content, resources, guides, and tips. By offering essential information on common emotional health issues, it empowers teens and young adults to support one another, overcome challenges, and transition successfully into adulthood. The platform also addresses vital questions such as how to support a friend who expresses thoughts of self-harm and how to cope with suicidal feelings, normalizing conversations about seeking and giving help.
Meeting Youth Where They Are:
According to Benghiat, one effective way to address youth mental health is by meeting them in their own spaces, be it schools, homes, or digital platforms like the metaverse. Recognizing this, JED conducted an extensive study titled “Can the Metaverse Be Good for Youth Mental Health?” This comprehensive report examines the correlation between these digital realms and the mental health of young individuals. Furthermore, it provides actionable recommendations to key stakeholders including policymakers, tech companies, caregivers, and the youth themselves.
Empowering Youth in the Metaverse:
The JED Foundation’s report highlights the importance of establishing a safe and supportive metaverse ecosystem that prioritizes psychological well-being. The development of clear guidelines on prohibited content and reporting procedures for violations is crucial in creating a sense of security. Collaboration between game developers and clinical experts can promote mental health and provide necessary support. Fostering an environment that encourages young people to be their authentic selves and feel a sense of belonging is crucial, while safeguarding their privacy and data ownership ensures their sense of control and creativity within the platform.
Striking a Balance:
While digital platforms hold immense potential for enhancing mental health support, it is equally crucial to build real-world communities of care that are inclusive and supportive. These communities can provide protective factors for the emotional well-being of all young individuals. By tackling mental health issues from both virtual and physical perspectives, a holistic approach can be taken to address the epidemic of youth suicide.
The alarming increase in youth suicide rates, especially among Black children, necessitates a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Organizations like the Jed Foundation have been instrumental in raising awareness, providing resources, and creating safe spaces for individuals to discuss mental health openly. The metaverse offers new possibilities in supporting youth mental health, but holistic solutions encompassing real-world communities are equally important. By embracing technology while fostering supportive offline environments, we can work towards a future where positive mental health is prioritized, and the lives of young individuals are safeguarded.