Production I.G is a renowned animation studio with a rich history of working on some of the most iconic anime series and films, such as the original Ghost in the Shell and the recent Star Wars Visions anthology. Now, the studio is venturing into new territory with its first animated take on the Terminator franchise, a highly anticipated eight-episode series that is set to make a significant impact in the world of animation.
The upcoming Terminator series will be directed by Masashi Kudo, a well-known figure in the anime industry best known for his work on the Bleach franchise. Additionally, the series will be helmed by writer and showrunner Mattson Tomlin, whose previous credits include Project Power and Mother/Android. With such an experienced and talented creative team at the helm, the animated adaptation of Terminator is sure to captivate audiences with its unique storytelling and stunning visuals.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the upcoming series is its placement within the Terminator timeline. According to the official premise, the story is set in a future dystopian world where a relentless war has been raging for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army of machines. The pivotal moment in this timeline is the year 1997, when the AI known as Skynet gained self-awareness and initiated its war against humanity. This sets the stage for a gripping narrative that seamlessly weaves together elements of science fiction, action, and drama.
The series centers around a soldier who is sent back in time from the future with a mission to alter the fate of humanity. Arriving in the year 1997, the soldier’s objective is to protect a scientist named Malcolm Lee, who is working on launching a new AI system designed to counter Skynet’s impending attack on humanity. As Malcolm grapples with the moral implications of his creation, he becomes the target of a relentless assassin from the future, leading to a chain of events that forever alters the fate of his three children.
This compelling premise sets the stage for a gripping and thought-provoking exploration of the human experience in the face of technological advancement and the relentless pursuit of power. Through its intricate storytelling and complex characters, the series promises to deliver a captivating and emotionally resonant narrative that will appeal to both longtime fans of the Terminator franchise and newcomers to the world of animated storytelling.
As a collaboration between Production I.G, a studio with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of animation, and a talented creative team with a track record of delivering compelling storytelling, the animated adaptation of Terminator is poised to offer a fresh and innovative take on the beloved franchise.
With its combination of stunning animation, a compelling premise, and a talented creative team at the helm, the upcoming Terminator series is set to take the world of animated storytelling by storm. As viewers eagerly await its release, anticipation is high for what promises to be a groundbreaking and unforgettable addition to the Terminator franchise.