Searchlight Pictures has successfully acquired the rights to the comedy-drama film “Rental Family” in a competitive situation. The film is set to be directed by Hikari, who previously directed the acclaimed film “Beef.” Hikari also co-wrote the script for “Rental Family” along with Stephen Blahut. The project will be produced by Eddie Vaisman and Julia Lebedev of Sight Unseen, the production company behind movies such as “Bad Education.”
“Rental Family” tells the story of a struggling actor living in Tokyo who is hired as a token American for a Japanese rental family company. This unique job leads him on an unexpected journey of self-discovery as he takes on different roles in the lives of others. The film is currently in the process of casting, and principal photography is scheduled to begin in Japan this spring.
In addition to Vaisman and Lebedev, Tomo Koiziu is also executive producing the film. Sight Unseen, the production banner behind “Rental Family,” has a strong track record, with previous projects including “A Thousand and One,” which won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, and the horror thriller “Bad Hair.”
Hikari, the director of “Rental Family,” has recently received widespread acclaim for her work on “Beef,” a Netflix dramedy starring Ali Wong and Steven Yeun. Hikari both directed and executive produced the show, which garnered 13 Emmy nominations. She has also directed episodes of “Toyko Vice” and made her feature directorial debut with “37 Seconds,” which was well-received at the 2019 Berlin International Film Festival.
Hikari is represented by WME and Brillstein Entertainment Partners, showcasing her strong industry support and connections.
The acquisition of “Rental Family” by Searchlight Pictures sets the stage for another potential success for the acclaimed production company. The film promises to offer a unique and compelling story, with a talented director and production team behind it. Release plans for the film will be announced at a later date, but with such strong talent attached, it is sure to draw significant attention from audiences and industry professionals alike.