The Muppets Mayhem, a music-infused comedy series centered around the members of the Muppets house band, Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, has been canceled by Disney+. The show, which lasted just one season, debuted all 10 episodes in May but failed to gain traction with viewers. Lily Singh starred as a young music executive helping the Electric Mayhem record their first studio album, alongside Tahj Mowry, Saara Chaudry, Anders Holm, and Muppets performers Matt Vogel, Bill Barretta, Peter Linz, Dave Goelz, David Rudman, and Eric Jacobson.
Despite the cancellation, the show received praise from both critics and fans. Adam F. Goldberg, who created the series along with Muppets veteran Barretta and Jeff Yorkes, expressed his gratitude for the support on social media. Goldberg thanked viewers for their support, mentioning the six Emmy nominations and a #1 Billboard album that the show received. Similarly, Yorkes also expressed his appreciation for the show’s loyal fans and viewers and hoped that audiences would continue to discover the series and find joy in it.
Following the cancellation, Goldberg teased the possibility of more Muppets series in the works at Disney, stating that he is already working on new Muppets projects with Barretta and Yorkes.
The Muppets Mayhem was the second original series featuring the iconic characters at Disney+, following the short-form Muppets Now from 2020. Additionally, a Halloween special titled Muppets Haunted Mansion premiered on the platform in 2021.
Goldberg and Barretta served as executive producers of The Muppets Mayhem, alongside Michael Bostick, Kris Eber, David Lightbody, and Leigh Slaughter, with Yorkes as a co-executive producer.
Despite the cancellation, the future of the Muppets franchise at Disney+ remains bright, with the potential for more content featuring the beloved characters in the works.
In conclusion, while The Muppets Mayhem may not have had a long run, it received accolades and praise from supporters and creators alike. With the promise of more Muppets content in the works, fans of the timeless franchise can look forward to more joy and mayhem in the future.