A young Arizona firefighter named Karson Nutter has recently confessed to being a serial arsonist responsible for multiple fires in...
Read moreDetailsOn July 20th, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Presidio Port of Entry in Texas made a...
Read moreDetailsAlbuquerque, New Mexico — On June 29, 2023, tragedy struck at a McDonald’s restaurant located on Lomas and San Pedro....
Read moreDetailsA tragic incident occurred early Saturday at Margaret Jenkins Park in southeast Houston, resulting in the death of a pregnant...
Read moreDetailsOn July 13, 2023, Deputy Ricketts of Ocala, Florida, made an alarming observation while on patrol. He noticed a vehicle...
Read moreDetailsSUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. (SCDAO / Press Release) – In a tragic and horrifying case, a 45-year-old man from South Huntington,...
Read moreDetailsRecently, Albert Lee Gardner, also known as "Joker" in court records, made headlines after he was found unconscious due to...
Read moreDetailsOn a seemingly ordinary night at the movies in Pompano Beach, Florida, a dispute over theater seating turned into a...
Read moreDetailsA 13-year-old girl who was kidnapped at gunpoint, sexually assaulted, and taken across the country has been rescued after waving...
Read moreDetailsIn a tragic case in Texas, a Houston father has been sentenced to the maximum term of 50 years in...
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