Gerry Turner, the charismatic and charming leading man of ABC’s The Golden Bachelor, had been eagerly anticipating the “Women Tell All” special episode of his inaugural season. The highly-anticipated special, which aired Thursday, promised to bring closure to Turner’s relationships with the previous contestants from his season, especially with one woman in particular – Faith Martin. During the hometowns episode, Turner had confessed his love to both Martin and Leslie Fhima, creating much tension and leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as to which woman would ultimately capture his heart. The “Women Tell All” special provided Turner with the platform to sit down with Martin and address their unresolved feelings, providing a much-needed sense of closure for both of them.
In a candid conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Turner opens up about his experience with the emotional rollercoaster of the show, addressing everything from his use of the infamous “L-word” to his revelation about the pivotal moments in the fantasy suites.
Reuniting with the women from his season proved to be both heartwarming and emotionally turbulent for Turner. He describes it as a pendulum swinging quite violently, as he was overjoyed to see the familiar faces of the women who had left earlier in the season, yet it was bittersweet to come face to face with Martin once again. His reunion with Martin was particularly impactful, as he was finally able to address their unfinished business and give her the closure she had been seeking.
When asked about the controversy surrounding his confession of love to both Martin and Fhima, Turner remains unwavering in his stance. He explains that at the time he made those statements, he genuinely felt love and respect for each of the women, stressing the fact that he had not reached the end of his journey yet. Ultimately, as he reflects on the experience, it became clear to him which woman was truly right for him.
The fantasy suites, often a pivotal moment in any Bachelor’s journey, served as a turning point for Turner. He reveals that the intimate conversations he had with Fhima and Nist during those private moments played a crucial role in his decision-making process. It allowed him to see new sides of each woman, leading to a momentous realization.
Addressing the infamous “knockin’ boots” comment made in anticipation of the fantasy suites, Turner jokingly recalls how the phrase took on a life of its own, becoming a larger spectacle than he had anticipated. He explains that it was meant as a euphemism for an intimate moment and was said only once, but became a recurring topic amongst viewers and fans.
The tension between the contestants, particularly the exchange between Kathy and Theresa, was another point of discussion. Turner believes it was simply a matter of miscommunication, with both women deeply focused on their shared goal but missing each other in the process.
As the conversation shifts to the finale, Turner expresses his relief at being able to soon share the source of his happiness with the viewers. Having kept the outcome under wraps for so long, he admits that it has been a challenge for him as he is naturally prone to talking and has a terrible poker face. He eagerly awaits the final episode to air, allowing him the opportunity to finally discuss the resolution of his journey through The Golden Bachelor with the audience.
The Golden Bachelor has captivated audiences week after week, as Turner navigates the complexities of love and relationships with grace and sincerity. With the finale set to air on November 30th, viewers are eagerly anticipating the resolution of Turner’s journey, and the unveiling of the woman who has ultimately won his heart. The Golden Bachelor airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on ABC, promising a conclusion that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on fans and viewers alike.