Late-night comedy’s five biggest hosts, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, John Oliver, and Jimmy Fallon, are joining forces to launch a new podcast called “Strike Force Five.” This weekly chat will delve into the complexities of the ongoing Hollywood strikes, offering unique insights, opinions, and humor from the hosts. The podcast aims to raise funds for the out-of-work staff from the hosts’ five talk shows.
Produced by Spotify’s Megaphone, the podcast will be available on Spotify, as well as other podcast platforms. However, the series holds a special partnership with Spotify, who will serve as the exclusive sales partner. The hosts made a light-hearted remark in a video posted by Jimmy Kimmel, where Seth Meyers mentioned that it can be found on all podcast platforms, but John Oliver added an aggressive and deadpan comment directed at Spotify.
The podcast is set to launch on August 30th, which will mark day 120 of the strike, as reported by TVLine. With a minimum commitment of 12 episodes, “Strike Force Five” aims to keep the audience engaged and informed throughout the ongoing strike.
The ongoing strike involves the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). Since May 2nd, the WGA has been at odds with the AMPTP, and little progress has been made in reaching a resolution. In a recent meeting, the WGA described the encounter as more of a lecture rather than a negotiation. According to the WGA negotiating committee, the AMPTP presented their counteroffer as a single and only option, attempting to push the WGA to cave in. Shortly after the meeting, the AMPTP released a summary of their proposals, further reinforcing the belief that their strategy is to divide and weaken the WGA.
The “Strike Force Five” podcast seeks to shed light on the ongoing dispute, addressing the challenges faced by writers and other industry professionals affected by the strike. By utilizing their platform and comedic expertise, the hosts will offer their unique perspectives on the current situation, providing entertainment while delving into the complexities of the Hollywood strikes.
Not only does the podcast aim to entertain and inform, but it also emphasizes a charitable aspect. All proceeds generated from the podcast will go towards supporting the out-of-work staff from the hosts’ five talk shows. This initiative demonstrates the hosts’ commitment to their colleagues and the wider entertainment industry during this challenging period.
With their collective experience and popularity as late-night hosts, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, John Oliver, and Jimmy Fallon have a significant platform to engage with their audience on important matters affecting the entertainment industry. By venturing into the world of podcasting, they can reach a wider audience and share their perspectives more intimately.
As the strike continues, the insights and humor offered by the hosts will provide a much-needed source of entertainment for those affected by the ongoing dispute. Listeners can expect lively discussions, witty commentary, and a deep dive into the various aspects of the Hollywood strikes.
In conclusion, late-night comedy’s biggest hosts are teaming up for a new podcast called “Strike Force Five.” This podcast will cover the complexities of the ongoing Hollywood strikes while offering unique insights, opinions, and humor from Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, John Oliver, and Jimmy Fallon. The podcast will be produced by Spotify’s Megaphone and will be available through various podcast platforms. However, Spotify holds an exclusive sales partnership with the series. The podcast aims to raise funds for the out-of-work staff from the hosts’ talk shows and will launch on August 30th. With their combined experiences and comedic talents, the hosts will shed light on the challenges faced by the entertainment industry during the strike. Additionally, the podcast will bring much-needed entertainment to those affected by the ongoing dispute.