Quests are now accessible to all users who own a Meta Quest VR headset. Meta, the company behind the headset, is expanding its quest and reward system to its virtual reality live-interactive experience called Horizon Worlds. This move aims to engage users more with their avatars, an aspect of Meta’s business that has struggled in the past.
During the spring, Meta began testing quests with a game called Giant Paddle Mini Golf. Since then, two more quests, Arena Clash and Bad Roommates, have been added. These quests offer various rewards, including new clothing options for users’ avatars. Meta hopes that by offering incentives, users will find more value in interacting with their virtual personas.
The quests available in Horizon Worlds can be found in the Worlds Menu, with each quest indicating the reward that can be obtained upon completion. While some quests may seem simple, such as “try on a clothing avatar reward you’ve earned” or “open your backpack and change your emote,” Meta intends to introduce more engaging quests in the future.
In addition to the quest expansion, Meta’s Horizon Worlds update also includes a new quick actions menu. This menu allows users to pause their gameplay and provides options to mute, follow, or block other users they encounter in the virtual world. This feature aims to enhance the overall experience and give users more control over their interactions.
Meta has also addressed some bugs within Horizon Worlds and provided a way for users to report any issues they encounter. If a user discovers a bug, they can now report it by clicking the home button four times in a row or by holding down the AB/XY buttons. This reporting mechanism helps Meta identify and fix any technical issues promptly, ensuring a smoother user experience.
The expansion of quests and rewards in Horizon Worlds showcases Meta’s efforts to improve user engagement and satisfaction within their VR platform. By offering a range of quests and rewards, Meta aims to encourage users to spend more time exploring and interacting with the virtual environment.
One of the challenges for Meta has been monetizing its VR platform effectively. The company has faced significant financial losses in the avatar clothing market, which has implications for its overall success. However, with the introduction of quests and rewards, Meta hopes to generate more interest and user participation, potentially boosting their revenue streams.
As Meta continues to develop Horizon Worlds and its VR ecosystem, it is expected that more quests and rewards will be added over time. This continuous expansion aims to keep users engaged and interested, providing them with new experiences and incentives to explore the virtual world.
In conclusion, Meta is rolling out quests and rewards to all Quest headset users on Horizon Worlds. The expansion aims to encourage users to engage with their avatars and the virtual environment, potentially increasing overall user satisfaction and longevity within the platform. Alongside this, Meta has introduced a quick actions menu and bug reporting mechanism to enhance user control and address technical issues promptly. With this update, Meta aims to address areas of its business that have struggled in the past and create a more immersive and rewarding VR experience for its users.