In the action-packed world of the “Mission: Impossible” franchise, Tom Cruise’s character Ethan Hunt has defied the laws of physics, faced death-defying stunts, and battled formidable opponents. However, in the latest installment titled “Dead Reckoning Part 1,” Hunt encounters his most challenging adversary to date—an omnipotent artificial intelligence (AI) that has the power to reshape geopolitics. It is a battle between man and machine, where the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
While the concept may seem far-fetched, it is perfectly in line with the spirit of the “Mission: Impossible” series. The franchise has always been known for its high-octane action sequences and larger-than-life storytelling. Ethan Hunt has been hailed as the “living manifestation of destiny,” and the “Impossible Mission Force” itself sounds like something straight out of a comic book. The movies are designed to cater to spy movie enthusiasts and are a playground for Tom Cruise and his collaborators to unleash their creativity with spy gadgets and death-defying stunts.
This approach has been evident since the inception of the franchise. The original TV show focused on grounded spy craft, even incorporating realistic face masks for impersonation. The 1996 film directed by Brian de Palma paid homage to 70s spy thrillers while introducing cutting-edge gadgets like glasses that transmitted crystal clear video. Iconic scenes like the infiltration of a CIA server room became part of pop culture lexicon.
The sequel, “Mission: Impossible 2,” directed by John Woo, took a more stylistic turn with its operatic Hong Kong action style. Despite mixed reviews, the film showcased Woo’s signature flair for over-the-top action and included memorable scenes such as a car chase that seamlessly transitions into a hand-to-hand fight on a beach.
After a brief hiatus, the franchise was rebooted by JJ Abrams with “Mission: Impossible 3” in 2006. This film built upon the spy elements featured in Abrams’ TV series “Alias.” From then on, the franchise embarked on a mission to constantly outdo itself. “Ghost Protocol” in 2011 fully embraced a Buster Keaton-inspired approach to set pieces, with director Brad Bird infusing a sense of incredibility similar to his work on “The Incredibles.” The film even featured Tom Cruise scaling Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, in a nail-biting sequence.
Amidst the success of Daniel Craig’s gritty James Bond films and the end of the original Jason Bourne trilogy, “Ghost Protocol” harkened back to the addictive qualities of the original “Mission: Impossible” TV show. It featured a loyal and highly-skilled team, a formidable villain, and an array of gadgets. However, the franchise also understood the importance of showcasing the imperfections of its characters, making it more relatable for the audience. In a world filled with failing gadgets, the struggles faced by Ethan Hunt and his team resonated with viewers.
When Christopher McQuarrie took the helm of the franchise with “Rogue Nation” and its subsequent sequels, “Mission: Impossible” found a distinctive voice that set it apart from other modern franchises. McQuarrie and Cruise developed ideas for set pieces and then built movies around them, incorporating real practical stunts that pushed the boundaries of what was possible. Collaborating with stunt coordinator Scott Eastwood, McQuarrie orchestrated mind-blowing sequences like Ethan Hunt hanging off the side of a plane and an extended skydiving sequence in “Fallout.”
Now, with “Dead Reckoning Part 1,” McQuarrie continues to build upon his previous entries. The film propels Ethan Hunt and his new companion, played by Hayley Atwell, through adrenaline-fueled chases in the narrow streets of Rome, base-jumping off mountains with motorcycles, and fighting on a speeding train. All the while, they are up against an AI named The Entity, which possesses god-like abilities and could potentially control the world by manipulating truth and reality itself.
Although “Dead Reckoning Part 1” doesn’t delve deeply into the implications of AI, it presents the notion that an all-powerful AI could inspire religious devotion while posing a significant threat. As we witness the impact of AI in real life, with technologies like ChatGPT and generative AI, the film serves as a cautionary tale. It reminds us that such technology can shape our perception of reality and raises concerns over the potential abuse of power by those who control it.
Apart from its thrilling action and thought-provoking themes, “Mission: Impossible” stands out because of its commitment to delivering astonishing practical stunt work. Unlike many franchises that heavily rely on CGI, the “Mission: Impossible” films showcase real stunts performed by Tom Cruise himself, creating a visceral and immersive experience for the audience. Additionally, the series possesses a self-awareness that allows it to cleverly poke fun at itself, adding an element of humor to the intense action.
Ultimately, “Mission: Impossible” is not just about adrenaline-pumping action; it is also about a team of geeks fighting back against the excesses of AI and the ever-changing landscape of technology. The franchise, with its relentless pursuit of thrilling spectacles, serves as both entertainment and a reflection of the world we live in, reminding us of the awe-inspiring feats humans can achieve when faced with seemingly impossible missions.