Hayao Miyazaki, the renowned Japanese animator and director, has released his first film in a decade, and it is reportedly his last. The film, titled “Kimitachi wa Do Ikiruka” in Japan, which translates to “How Do You Live,” premiered without any prior marketing from Studio Ghibli. However, shortly after the Japanese release, Gkids, an American film distributor, announced that it had acquired the North American rights for the animated movie. Gkids plans to release the film under the title “The Boy and the Heron” later this year.
While there is limited information available about the new movie, Gkids describes it as an original story written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Studio Ghibli co-founder Toshio Suzuki serves as the producer, and the musical score is composed by Joe Hisaishi, a long-time collaborator with Miyazaki. It was previously announced that Miyazaki’s next film would have an IMAX release in Japan, along with Dolby Atmos, Dolby Cinema, and DTS:X sound formats. However, it remains uncertain whether the IMAX version will be screened in the United States.
When the film arrives in North America, audiences should not expect to see any extensive promotion. Gkids plans to follow Studio Ghibli’s unprecedented decision to premiere the movie in Japan without any marketing materials or information beforehand. Suzuki explained that this approach aimed to evoke the nostalgia of a different era and to stimulate viewers’ imagination. Recalling his own childhood experiences, Suzuki commented, “A poster and a title — that’s all we got when we were children. I enjoyed trying to imagine what a movie was about, and I wanted to bring that feeling back.”
Gkids has been responsible for distributing the North American versions of several previous Miyazaki films, including “The Tale of The Princess Kaguya,” “When Marnie Was There,” and “From Up on Poppy Hill,” among others. The company has gained recognition for its contributions to animated cinema, garnering 12 Best Animated Feature Oscar nominations in its relatively short history. Gkids’ president, David Jesteadt, expressed the company’s excitement and honor to release Miyazaki’s latest masterpiece in North America, highlighting the director’s status as a living legend in filmmaking. Jesteadt noted Miyazaki’s Academy Award win for “Spirited Away” and his two nominations for “Howl’s Moving Castle” and “The Wind Rises.”
The anticipation for Miyazaki’s new film is exceptionally high, as it is not only his first release in a decade but also potentially the final installment of his illustrious career. Miyazaki’s films have captured the hearts of audiences worldwide, with their enchanting stories, exquisite hand-drawn animation, and profound themes. His previous works such as “My Neighbor Totoro,” “Princess Mononoke,” and “Spirited Away” have earned critical acclaim and have become beloved classics in the world of animation.
Miyazaki’s unique storytelling ability and his commitment to conveying powerful messages through his films have made him a revered figure in the animation industry. His movies often tackle complex subjects, including environmentalism, the importance of human connection, and the resilience of the human spirit. Audiences eagerly await each new release, as they know they can expect a captivating and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
As the release of Miyazaki’s latest film approaches in North America, fans can look forward to immersing themselves in another magical world brought to life through his mastery of animation. With Gkids handling the distribution, viewers can trust that they will be treated to the same level of quality and care that has become synonymous with Miyazaki’s name. Whether this truly marks the end of the director’s career or merely a temporary retirement, “The Boy and the Heron” promises to be a fitting testament to the legacy of Hayao Miyazaki.