In an unexpected move, music legend Paul McCartney is delving into the world of podcasting with a new show titled “McCartney: A Life in Lyrics.” The 12-episode series, which is co-produced by iHeart Podcasts and Pushkin, is set to launch on September 20th and offers a unique glimpse into McCartney’s creative process and the stories behind his most popular songs.
The idea for the podcast came about as McCartney and Irish poet Paul Muldoon were working on a book together titled “The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present.” Muldoon would turn up at McCartney’s house, turn on his phone, and record their conversations, which formed the basis of their collaboration. However, with the onset of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, some of the conversations were conducted over Zoom.
Justin Richmond, the executive producer of the podcast, explained that after the stress of completing the book, McCartney’s production team realized they had hours of candid conversations that could make for an interesting podcast. The recordings capture intimate moments between friends, with McCartney speaking freely about his experiences with The Beatles, Wings, and his solo career.
The editing process for this podcast presented its own challenges. Richmond likened it to “carving tape,” acknowledging the historical significance of McCartney’s words. It was tempting to save every bit of the conversations, but the team had to focus on telling the most compelling story. They had to make tough decisions on which tangents to follow and which details to explore further.
Despite the wealth of information available about The Beatles, the series still manages to surprise listeners. Richmond mentioned one revelation in the podcast that stood out to him: McCartney is a dog person, while his former bandmate John Lennon was a cat person. Richmond believes this simple difference in their preferences reflects their contrasting personalities and is reflected in their music.
Another difficult decision during the editing process was the choice to leave out certain songs and discussions. The book covers 154 songs, and the team had access to all the tapes. However, they decided to connect the songs to significant moments in McCartney’s life and artistic career. This meant some songs, like “Ebony and Ivory,” didn’t make the cut. While it was an opportunity to hear McCartney talk about his collaboration with Stevie Wonder, the team felt it wouldn’t deliver as well as the rest of the series.
It’s worth noting that McCartney’s legal battles over The Beatles’ catalog with Sony in 2017 did not directly influence the podcast. The focus of the show is on McCartney’s songs, and he doesn’t seek to claim The Beatles solely for himself. The series represents his comfort in discussing his own compositions rather than speaking for the entire band.
Overall, “McCartney: A Life in Lyrics” offers a unique and personal perspective on one of music’s greatest icons. It provides fans with an intimate look at the creative process behind some of McCartney’s most beloved songs, while also revealing surprising details and anecdotes. The podcast serves as a testament to McCartney’s enduring influence and the continued fascination with his musical legacy.