Reddit, the popular online discussion platform, has been facing a strained relationship with its moderators in recent times. However, the company is now making efforts to reconcile with the moderators and improve communication. In a recent post on Wednesday, a Reddit admin, who identified themselves as the VP of community, reached out to moderators, inviting them to participate in various initiatives aimed at bridging the gap.
The clash between Reddit and its moderators began during the June protests over API pricing changes, which ultimately led to the shutdown of some third-party apps. As a protest, over 8,000 communities went dark, causing a significant uproar. However, Reddit started sending messages to moderators, urging them to reopen their communities. CEO Steve Huffman even referred to moderators as “landed gentry” in an interview, further adding fuel to the fire. Despite the protests, Reddit’s push to reopen communities mostly succeeded, leaving less than 2,000 subreddits dark.
In the recent post, the admin, who goes by the username Go_JasonWaterfalls, acknowledged the tumultuous situation and expressed a desire to initiate a conversation to address the issues. While the admin’s true identity is uncertain, some speculate that it could be Laura Nestler, listed as the company’s VP of community on Reddit’s website.
To improve communication and better understand the concerns of moderators, Reddit is offering various avenues for engagement. These include weekly feedback sessions, an accessibility feedback group, and in-person moderator road shows. These initiatives aim to provide a platform for moderators to express their grievances, offer suggestions, and build a stronger relationship with Reddit administrators.
The issue of accessibility on Reddit has been a significant concern for moderators, and it was brought up by MostlyBlindGamer, a mod for r/Blind. They highlighted that Reddit has not made the email address for reporting accessibility bugs readily available, and the bug report page is not compatible with assistive technology. Additionally, the Send button in modmail has issues with Android screen readers. The admin has yet to respond to these specific concerns, indicating that there is still work to be done in addressing accessibility issues.
The post from the admin concludes somewhat abruptly, acknowledging that it doesn’t provide a definitive solution but rather serves as a starting point for progress. Some Reddit users expressed their skepticism, believing that the post does not offer concrete solutions and may end up wasting everyone’s time.
Despite the mixed reactions, it is commendable that Reddit is making an effort to engage with moderators and address their concerns. Transparency and open communication are essential for any online platform to maintain a healthy and productive community. By providing opportunities for moderators to voice their opinions and offer feedback, Reddit has the potential to improve its relationship with its dedicated volunteers.
Moving forward, it will be crucial for Reddit to follow through on its promises and actively address the issues raised by moderators. By doing so, the platform can foster a more collaborative environment where both users and administrators work together to create a better experience for everyone. Bridging the divide between Reddit and its moderators requires ongoing efforts and a genuine commitment to understanding and resolving the concerns of those who contribute so much to the platform’s success.
In conclusion, Reddit’s recent outreach to moderators signifies a step toward mending its fractured relationship with this vital group of community curators. The offered initiatives aim to create a more inclusive and open dialogue, allowing moderators to voice their concerns and contribute to the platform’s improvement. However, Reddit must also demonstrate a dedication to following through on its promises and addressing the issues raised. By doing so, the platform can rebuild trust and create a more harmonious environment for all its users.