The launch of Telegram Stories is not a surprising move, considering that rival messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal have already introduced their own versions. In fact, there was some internal skepticism within the Telegram team about whether Stories would be a good idea. However, Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, shared that they now “can no longer imagine Telegram without it.”
The Stories format, popularized by Snapchat, has since been adopted by Meta (formerly Facebook) in its platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. Other platforms like the NBA and TikTok have also experimented with their own versions of Stories. Even Twitter joined the trend for a while with its Fleets feature, which has since been discontinued. Now, Telegram is following Meta’s playbook by introducing its own version of Stories, even taking inspiration from BeReal’s spin on the feature.
One of the unique features of Telegram Stories is its support for taking pictures from both the front and rear cameras simultaneously. Durov showcased this new ability in a video he posted last month. This feature allows users to capture moments from different perspectives and adds a creative touch to their Stories.
Telegram also offers users granular controls over how they want to share their Stories. Users can choose to set a timer for their Stories to expire after 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Alternatively, they can choose to pin a Story permanently until they decide to remove it. Additionally, Telegram allows users to customize the privacy settings for each individual Story, ensuring that only desired contacts can view them.
With the introduction of Stories, Telegram is expanding its platform beyond just simple messaging. Stories provide users with a new way to share moments from their day, express themselves creatively, and engage with their contacts in a more visual and interactive manner. The ephemeral nature of Stories adds an element of excitement, as they disappear after a certain period of time, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging users to keep coming back for more.
For businesses and content creators, Telegram Stories offer a new opportunity to connect with their audience and promote their products or services. Stories provide a space for businesses to showcase behind-the-scenes content, exclusive updates, and limited-time offers. With the ability to set privacy settings for each Story, businesses can ensure that their content reaches the right audience and maintains a level of exclusivity.
Overall, the introduction of Stories to Telegram demonstrates the platform’s commitment to evolving and providing its users with new and engaging features. With the popularity of the Stories format across various social media platforms, it was only a matter of time before Telegram joined the trend. By offering unique features and granular control over sharing, Telegram aims to differentiate itself and provide a compelling Stories experience to its users. Whether it will become an integral part of the Telegram experience, like it has for other platforms, remains to be seen. However, it’s clear that Telegram is determined to stay relevant and adapt to the evolving preferences of its users.