Twitter, the popular social media platform, recently made a significant change by updating its official handle from @Twitter to @X. Engadget’s reporter Kris Holt first noticed the transition and humorously commented on it with an “Oof.” If users now attempt to access @Twitter, they will be redirected to the new handle, @X, and a message stating, “This account is no longer active. Follow @X for updates.” Additionally, all tweets from the previous @Twitter account, now referred to as X’s, can be found in the @X account.
But that’s not all. Twitter’s subscription service, Twitter Blue, has also undergone a name change and is now called @XBlue (Blue subscription) on its main description page. This shift signifies that most of the handles associated with X, formerly known as Twitter, have either dropped the Twitter name or replaced it with X. For example, @TwitterSupport, @TwitterDev, and @TwitterAPI have become @Support, @Xdevelopers, and @API, respectively.
Interestingly, just a day before the handle change, the @X account was not owned by Twitter. Instead, it belonged to Gene X Hwang, an individual associated with Orange Photography, a photography/video studio. However, as reported by TechCrunch, this ownership changed, and Hwang tweeted from his newly-acquired handle, “@x12345678998765/status/1684023924949151744?s=20,” expressing that all is well. It is assumed that Hwang received compensation for giving up the handle.
X, the new identity of Twitter, has been making efforts to completely eradicate any remnants of Twitter branding. This includes partially removing the Twitter sign from its San Francisco headquarters, as reported by The Guardian. However, the police intervened due to a lack of proper permits. While X strives to distance itself from Twitter, there may be intellectual property (IP) concerns to address. Microsoft has held a trademark related to Xbox and the letter X for the past two decades, and Meta also possesses a trademark that covers the letter X.
Twitter’s decision to rebrand itself as X signifies a pivotal moment in the platform’s evolution. By adopting a new name, Twitter aims to redefine its image and potentially appeal to a broader audience. X’s move to dissociate from the Twitter brand has been evident in the changes to its official handle as well as the subscription service name. However, it remains to be seen how this rebranding effort will be received by the user community.
With the transition to @X, Twitter is embracing change and exploring new possibilities for growth. While some may perceive this change as a significant departure from its roots, it also presents an opportunity for Twitter to reinvent itself and realign its goals. The decision to adopt the X name demonstrates a desire for innovation and a willingness to adapt to the ever-evolving social media landscape.
As Twitter embarks on this new chapter as X, it will undoubtedly face challenges and potential legal hurdles. Resolving any IP conflicts and securing ownership of the @X handle showcases the platform’s commitment to its new identity. Amidst these changes, X will need to ensure a seamless transition for its users while maintaining the trust and engagement it has built over the years.
The rebranding of Twitter to X is an exciting development that invites speculation about the future direction of the platform. Users and industry experts will be closely observing how X leverages this transformation to enhance user experience, introduce new features, and foster a sense of community. Only time will tell if X succeeds in its quest to revolutionize the way we connect, share, and interact on social media.