Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, the acclaimed co-directors of films such as “Free Solo” and “The Rescue,” have recently premiered their latest movie, “Nyad,” at the Telluride Film Festival. Starring Annette Bening as renowned long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad and Jodie Foster as her coach Bonnie Stoll, “Nyad” is the couple’s first narrative film. In an interview with THR, Chin and Vasarhelyi discussed their decision to venture into narrative filmmaking, their collaboration with the cast, and the challenges they faced while making the film.
When asked if they were actively looking to make a narrative film, Vasarhelyi revealed that they were interested in finding a story centered around a woman. When they came across the script for “Nyad,” they immediately knew it was the story they were looking for. Chin added that they wanted to tell a story that they hadn’t seen before.
The casting of Annette Bening in the role of Diana Nyad was a crucial decision for the directors. Vasarhelyi explained that they had always envisioned Bening in the role and had not even considered any other actors. They wanted someone who could bring authenticity to the character and was committed to doing deep work. Bening trained for over a year and spent time with the real Diana Nyad and Bonnie Stoll, which added depth to her performance.
In terms of the film’s structure, Vasarhelyi revealed that they spent a lot of time in the editing room, breaking the movie and trying different approaches. They wanted to find a way to allow the swims to build and give audiences a unique experience of marathon swimming. By combining archival footage with the fictionalized narrative, they were able to create a visceral experience for viewers.
Working with actors was a new experience for Chin and Vasarhelyi, but they found it surprisingly natural. Chin compared it to working with high-end athletes, where creating the right environment is crucial for them to perform at their best. Directing actors involved creating that environment and giving them the space to do what they do best.
Regarding Diana Nyad’s portrayal in the film, Vasarhelyi explained that they aimed to show a woman in her full complexity. Nyad’s flaws and shortcomings were not shied away from, and the intention was to present her as a multifaceted individual. The directors addressed some of the controversy surrounding Nyad’s swimming accomplishments and her completion of the Cuba swim within the film itself. They conducted thorough research and spent time with Nyad to ensure the accuracy of their portrayal.
Finally, discussing the Hollywood strikes, Vasarhelyi expressed her support for all the members of SAG and WGA. She believed that they were fighting for their livelihoods and that all creatives were facing similar struggles in the current climate. While releasing a film during the strike has its challenges, the directors wanted to show their support and respect for the striking members by not having them present at the film’s premieres.
In conclusion, Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi have successfully ventured into narrative filmmaking with their latest movie, “Nyad.” Their collaboration with acclaimed actors, such as Annette Bening and Jodie Foster, has brought depth and authenticity to the film’s characters. By addressing the complexities of Diana Nyad’s life and accomplishments, the directors have created a compelling and honest portrayal. Despite the ongoing strikes in Hollywood, Chin and Vasarhelyi remain dedicated to supporting the efforts of SAG and WGA. “Nyad” is set to be released in theaters on October 20 and on Netflix’s streaming service on November 3.